MVP Frameworks

Do you want to launch a digital product or app in the market quickly? So, start creating a minimum viable product (MVP) using an effective development framework. The frameworks make the initial development easy and reduce the amount of new code that has to be written.

Startups that use the MVP technique have a 30% better chance of succeeding, according to CB Insights.

Choosing the right framework for your MVP leads to the success of your product. To help you make the right decision, we gathered all the information from what an MVP framework is to a list of the best frameworks. 

Let’s dive in!

What is MVP Framework? 

An MVP framework is a structured approach to developing a basic version of your product that includes only the core features necessary to satisfy early users. The primary goal is to validate your idea in the market with minimal resources, allowing you to gather user feedback and iterate quickly.

The main purpose of using an MVP framework is to:

  • Using the existing tools and libraries will speed up the development process.
  • Reduces development costs by minimizing the amount of custom code required.
  • Enables you to test your assumptions and gather valuable feedback from real users early on.
  • Helps you prioritize essential functionalities that provide the most value to users.
  • Makes it easier to make changes based on user feedback, allowing for a more user-centered product.

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What is the Best Framework for MVP?

Below is a list of some popular MVP frameworks that can help you in your project. 

1. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is the most popular open-source framework for building MVP. It is a great choice for those looking to design and develop an MVP quickly and cost-effectively. This framework makes development fast by providing you with extensive built-in functionality.

Products like Airbnb, Basecamp, and Zendesk prove that Rails MVPs are powerful, scaleable, and capable of attracting serious investment. 

Features of Ruby on Rails 

  • Built-in testing framework
  • Scaffolding 
  • Model-view-controller (MVC) architecture 
  • Set of conventions 
Pros Cons 
Rapid development Lack of flexibility 
Excellent customer supportDifficult to locate reliable documentation 
An active community of developers High boot time 

2. Django


Django is a high-level Python web framework with all the necessary tools and functionalities needed for high-quality and secure web development. It is an ideal solution for MVP development because it allows the creation of a fully functional website or web application in a short time frame. 

Using this MVP framework, programmers can work on multiple components simultaneously and combine them more successfully. In addition, Django is used for many popular apps including Pinterest, Instagram, Dropbox, Quora, and Eventbrite. 

Features of Django 

  • Built-in admin panel 
  • Huge library of packages 
  • Support for multiple databases
  • Cross-platform operating system
  • Front-end tools support 
Pros Cons 
High scalability Steep learning curve 
Highly secure Not suitable for small projects 
Fast processing time 
Excellent documentation 
SEO optimized 
Thoroughly tested 

3. React


React is a powerful open-source framework for MVP development. It allows you to build and launch your MVP quickly and efficiently. Using the React framework, you can create a functional prototype that showcases your app’s core features while minimizing development time and costs. 

Features of React 

  • Component-based UI architecture 
  • Extensive library of pre-built components
  • One-way data binding 
  • Declarative UI
  • Virtual DOM 
Pros Cons 
Cost-effective Insufficient documentation 
Faster development speed Upgrading issues 
Flexibility and adaptability Lack of custom modules 
Large community 
Fast to learn 

4. Flutter


Flutter is another great framework for developing MVP applications. Due to its flexible and scalable nature, developers can create feature-rich user interfaces. Making visually appealing MVPs is made simple by the material design built-in widgets.

Additionally, Flutter enables the creation of highly flexible user interfaces, ensuring accessibility for MVP users. By reducing overall development time, Flutter allows the development team to rapidly bring the product to market.

Features of Flutter 

  • Cross-platform development 
  • Access to Native features
  • User-friendly APIs
  • Hot reload 
  • Customizable widgets 
Pros Cons 
Save money A limited number of third-party libraries 
Less coding involved Problems with iOS
Large community support 
Minimum testing 
Easy learning curve 

5. Laravel


Laravel is an excellent choice for MVP projects, offering developers powerful tools and features that speed up development. Its expressive syntax and built-in functionalities enable quick setup and coding, allowing teams to focus on core functionalities without getting bogged down by common web development challenges. 

The framework’s Eloquent ORM simplifies database interactions, making managing relationships and performing queries easy. Laravel’s modular structure also promotes clean code organization, enhancing maintainability and scalability as the application grows. 

Features of Laravel

  • Flexible routing system 
  • Database query builder 
  • MVC architecture support
  • Vast library of packages 
Pros Cons
Automated testing Compatibility issues 
Large community Difficulty in updates 
Easy tool integration 
High-level security 

How do you Frame an MVP?

Framing a minimum viable product development involves several key steps to ensure it meets the essential needs of your target audience while minimizing development time and resources. 

Here is a structured approach to help you frame your MVP effectively. 

How do you Frame an MVP?

1. Define Your Vision

Defining the right problem is key to creating successful products. You have to understand the core problem your product aims to solve. 

In this phase, you have to do these things: 

  • Define who your users are and their specific needs.
  • Set long-term goals for your business that you want to achieve. 
  • Understand your vision and mission. 

2. Conduct Market Research

Without market research, you cannot create a good MVP. No market need is the number one reason for MVP failure.

In this step, you must do in-depth research and gather the data to help you build a perfect MVP.

  • You have to research your competitors and understand what they are doing.
  • Clearly understand your user’s needs and what value your product brings to the market. 

To gather data, you must use various fundamental methods such as in-depth interviews, detailed surveys, and direct observation. These methods allow you to capture nuances missed in superficial analyses.

3. Select Core Features

You shouldn’t put everything in the MVP. The main purpose is to launch it fast and learn from it. Therefore, you must list features that directly address the problem and prioritize them based on importance.

Categorize your features into four priority groups: must-haves, should-haves, could-haves, and wish-to-haves. Be careful of having too many items in the must-have and should-have categories; it’s essential to be realistic about your needs.

If your list feels overwhelming, consider assessing the development complexity of each feature. You can postpone the more challenging implementations that aren’t critical at this stage.

Keep in mind that this prioritization is meant for your minimum viable product. The features in the could-have category won’t disappear; they will remain on your roadmap for future iterations, especially as you gather more feedback to refine your product.

4. Create User Stories

In this step, write user stories to visualize how different users interact with your product. Create a simple flow for users to navigate through your MVP. A user story focuses on what users need from a product rather than how it should be implemented.  

5. Develop a Prototype

Develop a prototype that demonstrates the basic functionality of your idea. Create wireframes to visualize the layout and design of your MVP. Wireframes represent the screens and layouts that define the user experience and how they navigate the solution. Use tools like Figma or Adobe XD to build clickable prototypes for user testing. 

6. Test and Iterate

For testing the product, send the prototype to a small group of people, encourage them to use it, and provide feedback. Conduct usability tests with real users to gather feedback. With this feedback, you have to know how real customers use particular parts of your product. Using this feedback, you can refine your MVP and make necessary changes and improvements. 

7. Launch and Measure

Once the product is ready and well-tested, release it to a small audience to observe its performance. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) and gather user feedback for future iterations.

8. Plan for Scaling

Develop a roadmap for adding features based on user feedback and market demand. Use insights and ideas from customer input to enhance your product, ensuring it becomes the leading solution in the market. Also, keep iterating on your product after the MVP launch. 

The Startup Genome Report states that growth rates from scaling an MVP at the right pace are 20 times faster than scaling a fully developed product.

Following these steps, you can effectively frame an MVP that addresses user needs while allowing for flexibility and adjustments based on real-world feedback.

Tips for Choosing the Right Framework for Your MVP

Choosing the right framework is not a technical decision but a foundational choice that leads to the success of your product. Therefore, check the below tips to help you choose the right framework for your MVP. 

  • First, you have to understand what product you’re building and who your target audience is. 
  • You have to identify the current market condition and what user needs your product to solve. 
  • Time and budget requirements are also kept in mind. Ensure the framework fits your budget, considering both development and maintenance costs.
  • A framework with strong community backing can provide resources and troubleshooting help.
  • Use the MVP development framework to create prototypes and gather user feedback early in the development process.
  • Ensure the framework allows for adjustments as user feedback comes in.


Choosing the right MVP framework is essential for the success of your digital product. Using these frameworks simplifies your development process, reduces costs, and brings your product to market faster. 

Each framework has its strengths and is suited to different types of projects, so consider your specific needs and goals when making your choice.

GoodFirms reports that developing an MVP can reduce development costs by as much as 50%.

Further, if you want to build an MVP for your product, you should consult the best MVP development company Ninjas Code. Our experts have experience developing stable and scalable MVPs that help businesses succeed. 

So, schedule a meeting with us, discuss your needs, and get the MVP at an affordable cost. 


  1. What is the best web framework for MVP?

Django, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, and Laravel are the best MVPs back-end web development frameworks. 

  1. Which programming language is best for MVP?

PHP/Laravel are the best programming languages for MVP. They are well-known languages and are used in building MVPs. 

  1. What is the best front-end framework for MVP?

React Native, Flutter, React JS, and Vue JS are the best front-end frameworks for MVP.

  1. What is the MVP pattern framework? 

The MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern is a software design framework that separates an application into three components: the Model (data), the View (user interface), and the Presenter (logic that interacts with both), promoting a clear separation of concerns for easier testing and maintenance.

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