SaaS UX Design

As more businesses use SaaS products and applications, the Software as a Service (SaaS) market is expanding quickly in today’s competitive business environment.

SaaS providers must lift their game with superior, well-designed services that prioritize the needs of their customers since users have come to expect intuitive and efficient interfaces.

Nearly 88% of users will leave an application if they face a bad experience due to poor usability. Therefore, adding advanced features and eliminating bugs is not enough, you should pay attention to improving the overall customer experience. It should be achieved by building a SaaS UX design that caters to your customer needs.    

A successful SaaS product largely depends on its UX design in today’s competitive industry. Reduced churn and increased product engagement are the results of an efficient and effective design that puts the requirements of the user first.

If a website has an excellent mobile user experience, 74% of visitors are likely to return. 90% of smartphone users say they’re more likely to keep buying if they’re enjoying a wonderful experience.

But, it all starts with thoughtful SaaS UX design.

So, in this blog, we’ll cover the main things that help you in crafting a well UX design, such as:

  • What is SaaS in UX Design?
  • Importance of Creating a Good SaaS UI/UX Design
  • Process of creating an effective design for SaaS apps
  • Cost of UI/UX Design for SaaS Application
  • Best Practices and Tips for SaaS UX Design 
  • Examples of Great SaaS UX Design

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What is SaaS in UX Design?

UI/UX design is crucial to the success of any SaaS application. SaaS UX design addresses every user interaction point, from onboarding and registration to task completion. To guarantee improved usability, designers must concentrate on the design of SaaS apps. A good UX design of a SaaS product can improve the conversion rate of your site. 

Investing in good UX design is crucial for the success of a company’s SaaS product launch. An optimized UX design can help to:

  • Increase customer engagement and user retention
  • Lower bounce rates
  • Improve customer satisfaction

The SaaS market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $248.76 billion in 2023 to $256.6 billion in 2024

Just like a cake, a successful SaaS application needs the right mix of elements to create a delightful experience for users. These elements are:

  • Intuitive interface
  • Responsive design
  • Scalability
  • Onboarding and training
  • Personalization and customization
  • Accessibility
  • Seamless integration

By focusing on the key UX design elements, SaaS providers can create applications that are user-friendly, efficient, and provide a high-quality experience for their customers.

Importance of Creating a Good SaaS UX Design

The high-quality SaaS UX design is critical to the success of a successful SaaS product. It leaves a strong impression on customers and increases the level of customer engagement.

The goal is to create a user experience that is not only effective but also genuinely enjoyable to the user. 

IBM CEO Thomas Watson Jr. famously declared “Good design is good business.” 

Below are some benefits that SaaS product providers get from investing in their UX design. 

Importance of Creating a Good SaaS UX Design

Lower Bounce Rate

Bounce rate refers to the number of users visiting a SaaS platform and leaving without taking any action such as clicking on an advertisement, buying a product, or filling out a form. 

For the success of a SaaS product, it serves as a key performance indicator (KPI). The low bounce rates indicate the generation of valuable traffic for your digital products.

According to Forrester, a user-friendly UX design can boost conversion rates by 400%.

Therefore, that’s why we never underestimate the importance of SaaS UX design. A good design can help reduce the bounce rate and improve customer satisfaction.

Increase Customer Engagement 

It is another main benefit that a good SaaS UX design provides in SaaS development. A user-friendly and simple interface design enables customers to work more efficiently.

“People ignore design that ignores people.”— Frank Chimero, Designer

In addition, the visually pleasing interface can enhance user interaction, make the experience more enjoyable, and help draw in and retain customers.

Simplify User Journey

Good UX design is all about putting the user first. Simplifying the user journey through effective SaaS UX design ensures that users can easily achieve their goals. A well-designed SaaS UX simplifies the learning curve, allowing users to quickly grasp your application’s core functionalities and benefits. Also, it will lead to a better return on investment. 

Minimize Churn

Minimizing churn is one of the great benefits of a good SaaS UX design. The intuitive SaaS design drives user adoption and increases customer engagement and retention.

Moreover, an easy-to-follow user engagement will allow users to use your app or website. Therefore, simplifying the user journey through effective SaaS UX design ensures that users can easily achieve their goals.

Stand Out in the Crowded Market

Several SaaS products are available in the market, but a well-designed product can be the difference between success and failure. SaaS designers who develop products with good UX design can gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Excellent user experience increases the likelihood that happy consumers will suggest your product and can help establish your software as a leader in the industry. 

What Is The Process of Creating an Effective Design For Saas Apps?

A product is only ever as good as its UX. The process of designing an effective design for SaaS apps is all about telling a story and bringing things to life. 

Here are some steps that guide you in creating a design that works for your SaaS applications.

Process of Creating an Effective Design For Saas Apps

1. Do Research

To create a useful product, first, you understand your target users and their needs. By doing research, you can easily identify your users:

  • Pain points 
  • Goals 
  • Behaviors and preferences 
  • Challenges and limitations
  • Determine how a SaaS product will solve their problems 

At the end of this phase, you need to be able to answer the following questions:

  • What problems do customers face?
  • How will customers use a SaaS product?
  • What makes the customer engage with the product? 

By thoroughly researching and understanding your target users, you can make informed decisions about the features, interface, content, and overall experience. This user-centric approach is the foundation for creating a useful, valuable, and successful product.

In addition, you can perform research by using various techniques such as conducting surveys, and interviews, doing competitive analysis, etc.     

2. Know Your Objective 

A good SaaS designer always thinks beyond pixels and toward the users and business goals. During the design process, set your goals that you have to achieve.  

3. Create Information Architecture

Create the structure and organization of SaaS software. An information architecture includes intuitive content labels, easy-to-use search features, clear and simple navigation methods, and the ability to group relevant information.

4. Use Wireframes

The wireframe is the skeleton of the UX design. From product launch to task completion, use wireframes to map out each step. With the help of wireframes, you can easily visualize the app’s structure without getting into design details.

5. Build Prototype

Create interactive prototypes to test your product’s functionality in the real world before launching it. You can save money by constructing a prototype instead of making the costly mistake of designing a SaaS UX design that is unpopular with your target market.

6. Perform Usability Testing 

The main type of testing done for SaaS apps is usability testing. It is a technique used by designers to validate the user-friendliness of their design. It helps you identify the design issues and areas of improvement before the product launch. Perform usability tests with real users to gather relevant feedback and know the areas of improvement. 

7. Iterative Improvements 

The development process never stops. Get user feedback after every product or feature launch and use it for future iterations of the app’s features and design.

Cost of UI/UX Design for SaaS Application

The cost of UI/UX design for a SaaS application varies depending on several factors. Here are some key pointers that can influence the overall cost:

  • Scope of your Saas App
  • API integration
  • Features
  • Platform selection
  • Design team expertise 
  • Ongoing support and maintenance 
SaaS Complexity Cost 
Small SaaS Application (Simple, 5-10 screens)$20,000 to $50,000
Medium SaaS Application (Moderate complexity, 10-30 screens)$50,000 to $150,000
Large SaaS Application (Enterprise-level, 30+ screens)$150,000 to $500,000 or more

These are just rough estimates, and the actual cost can be higher or lower depending on the specific requirements and scope of your project. It’s important to work closely with a UI/UX design team to get a more accurate estimate based on the unique needs of your SaaS application.

Best Practices and Tips for SaaS UX Design 

Below are some best practices and tips that help you create a well-crafted SaaS UX design.

Keep the Design Simple

Some SaaS application designs can be quite complicated. Therefore, the main task of UX designers is to keep the design simple and make it easy to navigate. This ensures that customers have a smooth experience.

However, simplicity in design is not just about the minimal colors you use or the designer cannot show its creativity. Instead, a simple design refers to one that prioritizes the user’s experience and makes the software stand out in the market.

For example: Take the UX design of Loom’s video recording interface. Its design is simple and with just a single click, users can easily record and share videos without hassle. The interface is intuitive and does not require a complicated setup.

Simplify the Registration Process 

The simple registration process makes it easy for users to get started with your SaaS product’s services. With an easy registration process, users can easily sign up and use the app’s services with minimal hassle.

The registration process can be made simpler by asking for just the necessary information, such as email address, password, and username. By adding SSO signup alternatives, you may further streamline this process.

For example: Jasper is an excellent example that implements a simple registration process. It only requires the username, email, and password. Additionally, users can sign up using Google, which removes the need to create a new account entirely.

Personalize the User Experience

To successfully engage with customers, the SaaS product should be personalized to the users’ experience.  But you can’t base it on guesswork, you need data that you have collected through customer feedback, research, and product testing. This can lead to higher conversion rates and increased customer satisfaction.

Continuously Gather User Feedback and Iterate

Regularly conduct user testing and collect feedback to identify areas for improvement. Iterate on the design based on user insights to ensure the SaaS product remains relevant and user-centric.

Provide Responsive Customer Support 

Good customer support is essential in the SaaS world. The SaaS interface’s success depends on responsive customer support. UX designers need to focus on providing users with an easy and built-in customer support system. It makes it easier for customers to resolve their queries quickly.

Examples of Great SaaS UX Design 

Let’s look at the great real-life examples of great SaaS UX/UI design.



Canva is an online graphic design tool that is used by millions of people worldwide. The main reason for Canvas’s success is its user-friendly interface. To make everything easy to find, it arranges all of the tools in its drag-and-drop editor. 

Canva makes the app’s navigation process easier by using simple pictures and icons to properly explain the purpose of each feature.



Trello is a project management SaaS tool known for its exceptional UX design. The card-based interface is highly visual and easy to understand, allowing users to quickly organize and prioritize their tasks.

Trello’s design emphasizes simplicity and flexibility, enabling users to customize the tool to their specific workflows and preferences. The application provides a seamless cross-device experience, with a responsive design that adapts well to different screen sizes.



Slack is a popular collaboration and communication SaaS tool that excels in UX design. The interface is clean, intuitive, and organized, making it easy for users to navigate and access key features. The overall design is visually appealing, with a consistent brand identity and well-designed micro-interactions.


SaaS products can be successful with good UX design. It is a great way to attract users and enhance customer experience. Incorporating UX design principles into your SAAS products should be a top priority for any business looking to succeed in the digital age. 

So, if you want to create a SaaS product or your SaaS app is struggling to attract and retain users, schedule a meeting with us. Our team of experts helps you create a SaaS UX design or MVP that meets your business needs. 


  1. What is a SaaS UI framework?

A SaaS UI framework is a pre-built set of reusable UI components, design guidelines, and development tools. It helps streamline the design and implementation of the user interface for a SaaS application.

  1. How to design a SaaS?

Below are some steps that help you design the SaaS.

  • Create your business plan
  • Define your requirements 
  • Select the tech stack
  • Assemble the SaaS development team
  • Start building the SaaS app
  1. Is SaaS an interface?

No, SaaS is not an interface. SaaS is a software delivery model where applications are hosted by a service provider and made available to users over the Internet. The interface refers to the user experience and visual design of the SaaS application that users interact with.

  1. What is SaaS in web design?

In web design, SaaS refers to the delivery model where web-based applications are hosted and maintained by a service provider, rather than being installed and managed locally. 

Launch Your SaaS Product with NinjasCode